We are delighted to invite you to The 1st Lombok International Conference on Sciences, Technology, Environment, and Mathematics (LICoSTEM) 2024, organized by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Mataram University, Indonesia. This esteemed event will take place on October 30-31, 2024, in Lombok, Indonesia, and will be conducted as a hybrid conference.

LICoSTEM 2024 is implementing scientific collaboration between science and technology to build new perspectives among researchers and academics from universities, government institutions, private sectors, and non-governmental organizations by sharing their knowledge and insights through plenary sessions, posters, and parallel oral presentations.

The theme for LICoSTEM 2024 is “Scientific Insight to Drive Technological Breakthroughs for Environment and a Sustainable Future.” We look forward to your participation and see you soon in Paradise Island, Lombok.


website : licostem.unram.ac.id